Před nedávnem jsme na našich stránkách uveřejnili informaci - prosbu týkající se daru na znovuzprovoznění elektrocentrály v indické farnosti Kahuchuwan. Díky štědrosti dárce se vše podařilo v relativně krátkém čase, dar byl odeslán a nyní je elektrocentrála opět v provozu - Pán Bůh zaplať.
Otec Deepak k tomu píše...
Greetings to you from Fr. Deepak, hope you are all keeping fine, I am fine here and started my paperwork. I take this opportunity to express my gratitude on behalf of Bishop Kishor Kumar Kujur and the people from Kahuchuwan Parish for the kind help in reinstalling the solar Battery. We express our big thanks to the people who contributed to this great cause. We appreciate the mission spirit you have in supporting the people in need. Convey my regards to the people who donated the money for the solar Battery. I have asked my priests' brothers to offer masses for the people who contributed to supporting my diocese. Please find some photos of the new solar battery and please share with donors that we spend the money for the same purpose we asked for. Wishing you all God’s blessing I remain. God bless you all.
With much prayers
Fr. Deepak Lakra