Adoptivní farnost

Pomůžeme katolíkům v Indii?

otec DeepakKdyž na konci prázdnin navštívil naši oblast kněz z Indie otec Deepak, byla mu položena otázka, jak konkrétně můžeme pomoci věřícím ve Vaší diecézi. Promluvil o tom se svým otcem biskupem a zde je jejich odpověď. Otec biskup moc děkuje za dosavadní pomoc otci Deepakovi a za náš další zájem o pomoc jeho diecézi. Pomůžeme?

V tuto chvíli nejvíce potřebují finanční pomoc a to na dvě věci:

1. Na stavbu nového kostela pro věřící v džungli ve farnosti Pongdih - potřebná částka 17599 euro
2. Na znovuzprovoznění elektrocentrály pro vesnici v džungli - potřebná částka 790 euro. Částka již byla odeslána a elektrocentrála je v provozu, více info zde. Pán Bůh zaplať dárci!!

Otec Deepak k tomu píše (můžete si přeložit s použitím internetového překldače):

1. To build up the village Church in Pongdih Parish which is situated in a remote jungle and people do not have a proper Church to pray and to have the holy Eucharist. The Budham Church in the Pongdih parish is situated around 60 K.M. away from the town and therefore building the Church is expensive because of the transport. We do not get building materials nearby. But since it is a need of the people we would appreciate it if people can help to build up this Church. The cost estimate of the Church made a few months before is attached below; the approximate cost will be 17599.00 (Seventeen thousand five hundred ninety-nine euro).

2. Installing a solar Battery for the Kahuchuwan Parish. It is an urgent need of the parish because this parish is also in a remote jungle and there is no electricity. We have a hostel where we keep a few students for their studies and since there is no light they have problems at the night. They cannot study after sunset. The cost estimate is put below. I would appreciate it if someone is interested to help this parish with such a great task. The solar panel was installed 12 years back and the battery has lost its capacity therefore, they need only the battery which will cost around 790.00 (Seven Hundred ninety Euro).

Dále otec Deepak Lakra zasílá našim farníkům a dobrodincům dopis, kde vysvětluje blíže situaci ve své diecézi:

Requested help to build a Chapel at Jara Ponkodihi Mission-Station, in Rourkela Diocese Prayerful Greetings of Peace to all of you from Fr. Deepak Lakra of Rourkela Diocese, Odisha India! My diocese is Rourkela and the name of my bishop is Kishor Kumar Kujur. The Diocese is located in the Northern Part of India, in the State of Odisha. The diocese is having its total Catholic Population 274,344. This mission diocese was created in the year 1979; and now having 44 Parishes with 357 mission stations. 85 Diocesan Priests, 105 Religious Priests, 471 Religious Nuns, 85 Head Catechists and 362 village Catechists and all the Faithful are working together with Bishop Kishor Kumar Kujur in the Mission and Pastoral work.

The 99.9% of the Catholics are poor tribals who live mostly in rural villages depending upon small agriculture farming and forest products for their livelihood. The extreme summer temperature 48oc to 50oc and with the scanty and irregular monsoon rain with no irrigation facilities, with the polluted soil due to heavy industrialization and mining, make the agriculture farming most difficult. Moreover, the constant forceful alienation of land from the poor Tribals and their displacement due to rampart industrialization and mining, without giving them due compensation and social security make the lives of the poor tribal very miserable and are forced to seek for livelihood in the interior forests, or bigger cities as migrant cheap labourers who at times are trafficked for cheap labour and sex exploitation and fall at the risk of losing their faith.

The diocese has always given the first priority to pastoral care and faith formation of the people. Thus, we have vibrant catholic population but are financially poor. The diocese is known for the vocation to Priesthood and Religious life. Now, the Pastoral work is very badly disrupted by the Pandemic Covid-19; many Priests, Nuns, the Lay faithful have died. During Covid-19 we live telecasted daily liturgy and prayers to sustain the spirituality of the people and gave the poor the necessities of life and medicines. Diocese does not have source of income except the contribution for the faithful for the running of the Parishes and the diocese which always fall short.

Education, faith formation and imparting moral values of the poor children in the interior villages being another important missionary priority of the diocese, it has been running Odiya (State Language) medium 148 Primary and 14 High Schools which eventually received Government Aid. But unfortunately, since the year 2000 the Government has not approved the appointment of teachers in our schools. Hence, we have now more than 460 private teachers appointed against the vacancies created. Since these are aided schools we cannot even collect fees from the students to pay to these teachers. The diocese is finding very difficult to pay to the teachers. We cannot close down these schools because there are poor children studying in them. Government has not listened our appeal to approve our teachers.

Faith in the diocese is nurtured by committed Priests through pastoral commitments visiting families and holding liturgical celebrations both in Parish and mission stations. We have Ponkodihi Parish which is located on the hills surrounded by forests. The Catholics have been living in in these forests for hundreds of years. We have villages churches build to take of the spiritual needs. Jara village is 15 KM far from the Parish with surrounded by hills and forests and rivulets with no proper communication facilities. It has 300 Catholics. A small village hut with mud was built in 1952 and used as a Church which is dilapidated and cannot be used further. People being poor struggling for their livelihood find difficult to build and contribute much to build a new village Church. The diocese is also not able to support them in this regard for financial constraints of the diocese.

On behalf of the poor Catholics of Jara Village of Ponkodihi Parish, of Rourkela Diocese seek financial help to construct a village Church. The Catholics of Jara would remain ever grateful to you and be united in prayers.

Fr. Deepak Lakra

Pokud by se někdo rozhodl pomoci, pak jsou dvě možnosti. Buď dodá svůj příspěvek k tomuto účelu přímo na faru do Vranova nad Dyjí a my pak vše společně odešleme, anebo může svou částku poslat přímo na účet diecéze. Ve druhém případě je třeba poslat průvodní list přímo na biskupství, aby dar mohli doložit před vládou. List je možno poslat prostřednictvím otce Deepaka e-mailem:

Údaje pro zaslání darů přímo na účet biskupství Rourkela:

The bank detail:
Name of the Account Holder: The Catholic Diocese of Rourkela
Account No. 40022565048
Branch Code: 00691
IFSC code: SBIN0000691
Name of the Bank: State Bank of India
FCRA Cell, 4th Floor
State Bank of India,
New Delhi main Branch,11
Sansad Marg, New deflhi-110001

Bohu díky!!!

otec Deepak

otec Deepak

otec Deepak

otec Deepak

otec Deepak

otec Deepak

otec Deepak

otec Deepak

otec Deepak

otec Deepak

otec Deepak

otec Deepak


Znáš adoptivní farnost FATYMu Jeníkov u Duchcova?

Nikdy jsem o něčem takovém doposud neslyšel (Počet hlasů: 32)
(25.40 %)

Něco jsem sice zaslechl, ale nic si pod tím nedokážui představit (Počet hlasů: 19)
(15.08 %)

Vím o co jde, ale nezajímá mě to (Počet hlasů: 22)
(17.46 %)

Jsem touto myšlenkou nadšen (Počet hlasů: 15)
(11.90 %)

V Jeníkově jsem už jednou byl (Počet hlasů: 9)
(7.14 %)

Vracím se tam pravidelně (Počet hlasů: 21)
(16.67 %)

Rád bych této aktivitě víc pomohl (pak napiš svůj kontakt na číslo 728501132) (Počet hlasů: 8)
(6.35 %)

Celkem hlasovalo: 126
| Autor: P. Marek Dunda | Vydáno dne 08. 09. 2022 | 1491 přečtení | Počet komentářů: 2 | Přidat komentář | Informační e-mailVytisknout článek
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